Thanks for visiting the Range. Please register your visit with form below. Name(Required) First Last Email Phone Firearms License(Required) Consent(Required) I have read and understand the below and will comply with the Range Standing OrdersBEFORE USING ANY TAUPO BRANCH NZ DEERSTALKERS ASSOCIATION RANGE/S, YOU MUST HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING POINTS. An Officer on Duty/Range Officer is required when using any shooting range. You must read, understand and comply with the following. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS: Officer on duty A range certificate is granted subject to the condition that, at all times while the certified shooting range is in use, an officer is on duty who: • holds a firearms licence, and • is appropriately trained in shooting range safety management. If you have NOT read and/or do NOT fully understand all the points below; you MUST NOT USE ANY NZDA TAUPO RANGES. • understanding and compliance with range standing orders, • the correct preparation and set up of the range before firing begins, including clearance of the danger area, • that only approved firearms, calibres and ammunition are used on the range, • that they supervise all shooters and inspect firearms and ammunition in accordance with the respective shooting discipline requirements, e.g., specific range safety procedures, match/competition rules, • that only approved targets are used, and target placement is correct, • the control and supervision of firearms security and safe firearms handling within the range environment, • that they assign shooters to targets, • the safe conduct of the shooting activity using appropriate range commands (for the respective shooting discipline) and clearance of firearms, i. that they report all breaches of range standing orders to the shooting range operator, • That they report any incidents of safety breaches (including breaches of range standing orders) to the shooting range operator. • the appropriate control of all non-firing participants while firing is in progress, and • the procedure to follow in an emergency. When there are one or more shooters on the range, one of these must be designated as the officer on duty. The officer on duty can fulfil their role as described and participate as a shooter, provided they ensure that they can always maintain control of the range. To keep the range running, please make $10 payment by either internet banking OR by cash despoit to our honesty box. Please select your choice below. Thank you and have a safe shooting at our range. Range Fees- Payment By(Required) POLi Pay- Internet Banking $10 Honest Box $10 Current Member Total CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ